Carte: Summer

30 RON
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Carte: Summer

30 RON
There's something special about each season of the year, wherever we live in the world. Follow the children in this book as they discover and explore the unique character of summer, through indoor and outdoor play. Sensory, detailed and child-centred, this is the perfect introduction for young children to the cycles of the year.

Exista ceva special in fiecare anotimp al anului, oriunde am trai in lume. Urmati copiii din aceasta carte in timp ce descopera si exploreaza caracterul unic al verii, prin jocul interior si exterior. Senzorial, detaliat si centrat pe copii, aceasta este introducerea perfecta pentru copiii mici in ciclurile anului.

Dimensiuni: 205 x 204 x 12
Data Publicarii: 15/06/2015
Format: Board book
Numar pagini: 12

90 vizualizari Brasov, Brasov, 11 Sep. '24 (21:33)